About Me

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I’m a communications specialist with a major in biology, a minor in anthropology and a diploma in journalism. I live in Ottawa, Ontario and I work at The Ottawa Hospital communicating about all the research that happens there.

I didn’t get a lot of communications training from my science degree, but I do know how to pipette! I started this blog as a way of practicing communicating science-related topics to a general public.

Now I get paid to write about science, so doing it as a hobby is less appealing. I prefer to commune with birds, flowers and books instead of spending my free time at a computer.

Why “lab bench to park bench”? Because I write about the science behind the everyday plants and animals we see in our parks and backyards. I’m fascinated by how little we know about the wildlife we share our cities with.

You can follow me on twitter @abuch078 and connect on LinkedIn

Happy reading!

About Amelia

I am passionate about communicating great ideas, particularly science and health ideas.

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One response to “About Me

  1. Elizabeth

    It is such a pleasure to read your interviews. They make learning about animals so amusing and easy to remember. Thank you.

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